

Hook for executing multiple Flow scripts simultaneously and retrieving their data.


import { useFlowScripts } from '@doodlesteam/flooks';


const MyComponent = () => {
  const { data, isLoading, error } = useFlowScripts({
    scripts: [
      { code: 'flow-cadut-script-code-1', args: [/* script 1 arguments */] },
      { code: 'flow-cadut-script-code-2', args: [/* script 2 arguments */] }
    scopeKey: 'unique-scope-key',
  if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
  if (error) return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;
  return <div>Scripts Results: {JSON.stringify(data)}</div>;

API Reference


useFlowScripts accepts a useFlowScriptsProps object:

  • scripts: useFlowScriptsInnerProps[] - An array of objects, each containing the code and optional args for each script.
  • scopeKey: string (optional) - A unique key to scope the query results.
  • select: (data: TQueryFnData) => TData (optional) - A function to transform or select a part of the returned data.
  • autoCast: boolean (optional) - Automatically cast the results to the desired type.
  • Additional properties from UseQueryOptions of @tanstack/react-query for more advanced query handling.


const { data, error } = useFlowScripts({
  scripts: [
    { code: 'flow-cadut-script-code-1', args: [/* script 1 arguments */] },
    { code: 'flow-cadut-script-code-2', args: [/* script 2 arguments */] }
  scopeKey: 'unique-scope-key',

Return Value

The hook returns a UseQueryResult object, which includes:

  • data: An array containing the results of each executed script.
  • isLoading: A boolean indicating if the queries are in progress.
  • error: An error object if any of the queries failed.